Need For Speed Underground 2

There is a small dedicated team currently working on getting this game ported over to the Unreal Engine. They are not adding VR support, but Praydog's upcoming unreal2VR mod will allow us to play this port in VR!

It's an old game (2004), so the graphics are gonna be a bit dated. It is, however, a very loved outing from the Need For Speed franchise. It was the first one to go open world and had an insane amount of customization for the time. The driving was spot on for an arcade racer and gave some thrilling AI and online racing. 

An open world VR arcade racer is something many have been asking for. This looks to be our only option in the near future. It is a corner of VR gaming that is embarrassingly vacant. 

The porting team is not commiting to any kind of release date. It's just a couple of people doing this in their free time for no financial gain. Their progess this far is looking impressive as you can see on the Youtube Page. They have also stated they are aiming to include steering wheel support. 

Calling this a port feels like a disservice. As you can see in their videos, the move to UE4 brings with it all kinds of improvements. The graphical upgrade alone is beautiful. New textures/meshes. Weather cycle is massively improved. More destructible items in world. I'm sure there is a ton more work put in I haven't picked up on.

Two downers are the lack of any police chases in the game and no cockpit view. Still, zooming around the city of Bayview looking for another race in VR with a wheel sounds like a giddy experience I wouldn't want any arcade racing fan to miss! We'll be keeping our eyes on this project with great anticipation.