WRC VR Support Confirmed!
Nearly 4 years after the stellar DiRT Rally 2.0, we are finally getting DiRT Rally 3.0! At least that's what this game was going to be until Codemasters secured the rights to the WRC license. We've seen many WRC titles over the years. Some great, some not so much. Never have we gotten one in VR or made by the grand Codemasters. This is a time to be excited for sure.
November 3rd is when we'll get the game. VR support is promised to come post launch. There is as of yet, not even a hint of a time table. One would hope to see it by the end of the year. Could be much longer though. Codemasters themselves haven't said the words "Virtual Reality' or 'VR". We only know it's coming due to the listings on Steam and Epic Game Store both listing it as a feature coming to PC post launch.
They are making the jump to Unreal Engine 5 with the game. They are claiming to keep the DiRT Rally 2.0 physics and moving it to the new engine. No idea how that works, but that's the claim. That would make for an outstanding game though. Our favorite rally game with UE5 graphics sounds like a feast. And a beast as well. I imagine a beefy rig is going to be needed to run this in VR. Perhaps that's why PSVR2 is being left out. Such a bummer for out console friends. They have Gran Turismo, and that's huge, but not much else to scratch that racing itch. Was really hoping they were gonna get this one.
The game will have the modern-day beasts that tear up the backroads. Hybrid systems in the rally1 cars will deliver exhilarating speed out of corners. We'll also get WRC2 and WRC junior vehicles and championships as well. And don't forget they now have access to the entire history of WRC. We will get classic cars and scenarios to play with as well.
18 locations are included. All part of the official FIA WRC schedule. Each will have it's own set of stages. I'm sure we'll get to run them forward and backwards. Throw in some special stages and hopefully some super long stages like we saw in WRC Generations! Snow is being promised from the get go this time around.
Multiplayer and clubs are making a return. We'll be able to again enjoy leagues, daily, weekly, and monthly challenges. All the good stuff we've come to love.
There is a thing that lets you build your own rally car if you're into that.
Standard edition is all that's being advertised at a $49.99 price point. Pre-ordering will give you access on October 31st, some liveries, in-game clothes, a 5 curious VIP passes for the first 5 seasons. I smell micro transactions here.
There was no question I was going to buy this. At $50, it seems like a solid deal. One would not be blamed for waiting for the reviews to come in to make a purchase. Is usually a good practice in general. This could turn out to be a turd, but all signs are pointing to a slight left for the better.